First off, I'm very sorry that these pictures are out of order, but I think you can still enjoy them. On Sunday, we celebrated Liberty Baptist Church's 4th Anniversary. Everyone had a great time.
Here I am with some of the kids. There was not enough room for them to all sit in the main service so most of them sat outside and tried to peak in the windows when they could.
Hours of waiting, but they still have smiles on their faces.

This is Bana Kaputula and Bana Lufunda joking around for the camera. They might have been hungry, but I don't think they could have eaten that whole pot of rice.
Here is Bana Adrian, Bana Maria, and Beauty preparing the plates to take to the men.
The children sure did enjoy their food. There was plenty for all, and we were all full.
I sat with Bana Lucky and her son, Ed, strapped on her back. In the past, she has always asked me for my leftover chicken bones (some like to chew on them). So she kept thanking me for the bones. It seemed a strange complement, but she really meant it.
This is Ruth eating her share of the food. After this, she followed me around constantly to see what I would do with the camera next.
These ladies brought their babies to be dedicated to God. This is only the first group. In all, there were 12 babies dedicated to God.
The visiting speaker, Pastor Luwawa, brought New Testaments for everyone.
This is where they did the cooking on charcoal. This is Beauty, Bana Ruth, and Evans Mwila. The children are Vernon, Ruth, and Mwila.
Here the ladies are preparing the plates. It was quite a chore, but they really enjoyed it. Everyone got rice and chicken. The visiting pastors got Fanta while everyone else had some juice.
This is Bana Lufunda and Bana Tasila having fun putting chicken on the plates.
There were so many people that I had to try to take the picture from different angles.

I couldn't fit everyone in with the picture from the front. My back was at the neighboring building to fit this many of them in.
Kneeling are 3 students from the Bible Institute at Kafulafuta. Standing from the left: the first two are also students from Kafulafuta. The student in the brown jacket is Potiphar who is from our church, but it attending the Bible Institute at Kafulafuta. The man in the center is Pastor Rabson Musonda from Masaiti. He was Gaudencia's pastor before she married Pastor Frazer. Then there is Frazer. Beside him is Pastor Luwawa, the pastor of Kafulafuta Bible Baptist Church. He was Frazer's pastor and also mine for a while. Then there is Gaudencia and Daniel.
I just had to put this picture of Daniel Kane since he is looking so sharp. He asked his dad if he was a pastor now since he had a suit.