Going along with my previous post, this is the road leading to my house. Maybe I should start a poll as to whether or not this is a road. What do you think?
This is the gate to my house. Yes, it is green. Every single one of my bills describes my house as the one with a green gate. I guess I'm unique in that way.
God has blessed me with this beautiful house. I can't take any credit for it. Morgan keeps the yard in shape. It is such a blessing to have this house because we have so many church activities here. It is a preschool, Bible study, office, and storage for the church.
Here is my garden in the rainy season. I think it was rather flooded this day. To the left are a bunch of banana trees. Then three is a couple guava trees. In the garden, the kalembula (sweet potato leaves) are most prominent. There is also onions, beans, pumpkins, cassava, and peanuts.
This is the gate to my house. Yes, it is green. Every single one of my bills describes my house as the one with a green gate. I guess I'm unique in that way.
God has blessed me with this beautiful house. I can't take any credit for it. Morgan keeps the yard in shape. It is such a blessing to have this house because we have so many church activities here. It is a preschool, Bible study, office, and storage for the church.
Here is my garden in the rainy season. I think it was rather flooded this day. To the left are a bunch of banana trees. Then three is a couple guava trees. In the garden, the kalembula (sweet potato leaves) are most prominent. There is also onions, beans, pumpkins, cassava, and peanuts.